our litttle jungle

our litttle jungle
it's a zoo in here... everyday!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Running behind- again!

Oh my goodness- I should have never started blogging, it's just one more thing to add to my to do list, and then feel bad about not getting to! One thing I tell people I work with in any capacity (school, church, business)- is "If I said I'll be there, know that I am coming, I'm just late." So just know the posts will come, just not regularly, and maybe I'll do 3 in a night- like tonight...My life has turned upside down in the last 2 weeks but I am actually really excited about it! I am busy, but I (by chance) have been lucky enough to know the "right" people(they always say it's not what you know, it is who you know and when!) at the right time in my life... and I've been invited on a business adventure- one I didn't know if I was ready for, but have been loving! I feel like the stars are aligning, and I can't wipe the smile off my face. So- I don't know when you'll here from me, but know I'm alive and kicking... always with baby puke on my shoulder, hair in a pony tail, and usually all 3 kids in my lap at the same time... but know that I would love to share my new found excitement with you- email me and then I'll call ya! I hope to see lots of 97 Toros at the reunion in October! Oh- does anyone else serve in Young Women? What great things have you done with your girls, we have had a great year, and want to continue, so let me know what worked for you!
Oh- I start teaching dance next week - wish me luck! I should have posted Shanon's video up as my bio for all the parents to see, so they'd know what their daughters were truly in for!! Hee, Hee!


Caryn said...

Wow, sounds fun. I am in YW too, email me and we can discuss fun ideas! iscaryn@cox.net I never check my hotmail one!

Alifinale said...

Glad to hear you are alive and kicking and being the busy Brooke as ever. What is this business venture? I want to hear all about it...but I guess I won't hold my breath.