our litttle jungle

our litttle jungle
it's a zoo in here... everyday!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Our little family

Here is a photo on the webcam- because I am too lazy (or busy) to download the new software for my new camera (I should though, because I now have 1300 photos on there since March- and it is too full to continue taking pics!)I love my sweet kiddos!


Caryn said...

L-O-V-E the pigtails! Cute family picture!

Alifinale said...

Your little family is the cutest ever! I can't believe how old Taylor looks. I want to see you when I come to Mesa. I tried calling but...I only have your cell phone number so I don't know if it works. Call me or email me your home phone.

Emily R said...

ok, seriously, in this picture, you look EXACTLY the same as when phanelb first had you over - was that in 9th grade? your kids are adorable too.