our litttle jungle

our litttle jungle
it's a zoo in here... everyday!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

My first attempt

OH- HERE IT IS!!! I FOUND IT...I JUST MAY FIGURE THIS THING OUT! HOO-HOO (As Porter always says) Well- here it goes, my attempt to enter the hi-tech world with my hi-tech peeps... though I am usually retarded on most things- like teaching a hip hop class, remembering to pay the water bill on time, and not burning the garlic bread - maybe blogging will be different for me! I wish there were cooler fonts- hello I am the vinyl letter girl- and fonts are sooo my thing... well- we'll see- I'll try to grt photos on here, but if I can't- just take my word for it that she is CUTE, and CHUBBY!!! I love chubby babies and she is so stinkin kissable!!!

1 comment:

Alifinale said...

Yeah Brooke! I am so excited that you have joined the blogging world. Don't fret you will get the hang of it soon. I don't know about the cool fonts though. Sorry.